Welcome to the HUBBlog!

The 'HUBBlog' is the online 'newspaper' for HUBB Mental Health. We want to keep you updated with what we 'Hubbites' are up to as well as any information that we believe will be of use to anyone involved in Mental Health, Wellbeing, Recovery and related services.

HUBB is not just about 'recovery' and support for those dealing with mental ill health. We are passionate about prevention. Programmes like Mental Health First Aid are particularly appropriate for business - especially in the current economic and social cliamte. Helping spot the signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and implementing strategies to promote a mentally and emotionally resiliant workforce and society will be vital for all our futures.

Further information can be found on the
HUBB Website.

Please comment and contribute! We look forward to hearing from you.

Friday 26 February 2010

Mental Health First Aid and Recovery Star - more successful training delivery!

It's been a busy week in HUBB's Training Department. We delivered a well recieved training programme on the Recovery Star to 16 people from Islington Mind. Our approach is to concentrate on engaging people to want to use the Star and then how facilitate the Star effectively. Although 'Person Centred', that is towards the benefit of the Service User, there is pressure on pushing the Recovery Star to them rather than looking at how Services Users can find out about its benefits and asking to use it. The new posters and postcards on the Ladder of Change and the Recovery Star work really well in helping understand this approach.

It was also recognised how using the language in the Recovery Star - 'Stuck', 'Accepting Help', 'Believing', Learning' and 'Self-Reliance' - in an organisation can be very useful in developing a 'Recovery Oriented' approach. This in turn develops confidence in using the language of the Recovery Star in a 'natural' way with Service Users rather than the false, jargonistic, 'buzz word' manner that can appear when the key worker themselves lacks belief and understanding.

This week saw Lynn and Rob also deliver another Mental Health First Aid programme. The participants were all from, or working in, Havering.

Comments included "this programme should be as widespread as 'First Aid!'", and "I wish to become an ambassador for promoting MHFA in the Asian community!"

Breathing Exercises to help reduce anxiety as part of the MHFA

Awareness of how valuable it would be to have Mental Health First Aiders in the community and at work, similar to the number of 'First Aiders', is gradually improving.

Finally, on a different note, HUBB has also been asked to promote awareness of the 'Fearfighter' event at HASWA. Please contact Ravinder Binning (NOT the HUBB Office!) on 01708 550 322 or 0778 738 9358



Tuesday 16 February 2010

Ways 2 Work - Colchester

Jenny, Lynn and Rob attended the 'Ways 2 Work' Conference at Charter Hall, Colchester on 12th February.

A 5.00 am start saw us driving the oposite way to heavy traffic on the A12. Always a nice sight to see! We set up our stand and were soon ready for breakfast.


HUBB is signed up to the 'Mindful Employer' and this event saw it being launched accross Essex. We wanted to promote our training services, particularly the Mental Health First Aid and Recovery Star programmes and highlight being a signatory of the Mindful Employer.

After the launch of Mindful Employer the emphasis of the conference was on linking organisations to help those with disabilities into work.

Rob's interest in photography drew him to the stand of George Fossey. He has produced some beautiful photographic work and the two of them spent quite a while discussing all aspects of the subject. As Rob was leaving George said 'Have a picture!'. Rob was particularly humbled by this - no payment, just a coment from George that it is often better to give a gift to someone who appreciates it. A lovely philosphy!

Heres that photograph - a photograph, I believe, of graffiti in Paris. The texture realy helps the vibrant colours jump from the frame. We are now in the process of getting it framed and hung in our office. George's website is currently undergoing a revamp. As soon as we have the new link we will post it. There are some stunning images!

Friday 5 February 2010

February Monthly Meeting

A quiet start to the evening as people drifted in. By 5.30 pm the venue was full! But no food! Fortunately our first speaker was able to step in.

Sarah Yiannoullou, Manager of NSUN (National Survivor User Network), gave a presentation on networking for Service User groups, and the role NSUN is playing in contecting and fostering links to a packed February Monthly Meeting.

A number of HUBB members asked questions on funding access and  support for lobbying on key issues. It was explained that NSUN is non-political and does not speak for people or groups, but can provide valuable support to help support those to obtain a 'louder voice' by facilitating connections. With direct links already to the National Mental Health Development Unit (NMHDU) and looking to connect directly with goernment departments, this could be of value to some of our members who are already very active in particular mental health issues.

Food arrived just as Sarah finished. It gave the impression of excellent timing!

Our second guest was Andy McGeeney. He is mentioned in the last post. Andy was dogged with technical problems but comfortably faced the crowd and explained about his ecotherapy work. Again, one or two of our members found this particularly interesting and useful. Some of their connections may be of value to Andy as he promotes various projects, as the projects will be of value to some of the HUBB members.

The Ecotherapy work is in early development but information will be posted onto the HUBB website as we get it.

The next Monthly Meeting will take place at Romford Baptist Church between 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm on March 4th. The link will take you to their website and map.