Welcome to the HUBBlog!

The 'HUBBlog' is the online 'newspaper' for HUBB Mental Health. We want to keep you updated with what we 'Hubbites' are up to as well as any information that we believe will be of use to anyone involved in Mental Health, Wellbeing, Recovery and related services.

HUBB is not just about 'recovery' and support for those dealing with mental ill health. We are passionate about prevention. Programmes like Mental Health First Aid are particularly appropriate for business - especially in the current economic and social cliamte. Helping spot the signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and implementing strategies to promote a mentally and emotionally resiliant workforce and society will be vital for all our futures.

Further information can be found on the
HUBB Website.

Please comment and contribute! We look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Race Equality Project Launch - Barking & Dagenham

Jenny and Rob attended the launch of the 'Race Equality Project' at Harmony House, Dagenham on the 1st April. This looks to connect all agencies and groups in order to promote a quick and positive response to any 'hate incidents' in the Barking & Dagenham. Group0s reperented at the launch included Hat Incident Panel (HIP), Comunity Safety Team, Domestic Violence Team, Stop Hate, Victim Support, Young Offenders Team, Anti Social Behaviour Team, Safer Neighbourhood Team, Caress, Young Offenders Team, Metropolitan Police and Comunity Support Officers.

The lauch provided a framework that Harmony House aims to operate:

  • Educating people on how to correctly gather evidence and monitor incidents
  • Being an advocate, a voice, for the victim
  • Coordinating joint inter-agency plans - acting as an intermediary ensuring clients are progressing as planned and keeping them informed of progress and what is expected of them
  • Encouraging victims to report race hate crime to the police
  • Use targeted publicity campaigns to promote equality and comunity cohesion within B & D and to raise awareness of the damaging effects of racial discrimination
  • To provide 'resilience building training' for victims of race hate crime, helping them to cope better
Jenny and Rob met a number of people and highlighted the issues with Mental Health difficulties in such situations. It was recognised that HUBB may connect with people who would find the Race Equality Project of value, and some who approach the REP who may find HUBB's services of value.

Izuka Soligbo, Harmony House Dagenham Centre Manager with the new poster for the Race Equality Project.

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