Welcome to the HUBBlog!

The 'HUBBlog' is the online 'newspaper' for HUBB Mental Health. We want to keep you updated with what we 'Hubbites' are up to as well as any information that we believe will be of use to anyone involved in Mental Health, Wellbeing, Recovery and related services.

HUBB is not just about 'recovery' and support for those dealing with mental ill health. We are passionate about prevention. Programmes like Mental Health First Aid are particularly appropriate for business - especially in the current economic and social cliamte. Helping spot the signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and implementing strategies to promote a mentally and emotionally resiliant workforce and society will be vital for all our futures.

Further information can be found on the
HUBB Website.

Please comment and contribute! We look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Myrder Mystery Success!

Our first foray into fundraising events was a great success!
We had hired the Brentwood Community Theatre and a group of actors to perform on Thursday 13 October.
Advance ticket sales went very well and we had over 60 people - at £20 per seat! 
Raffle tickets sold well - thanks to everyone who donated prizes and everyone who bought tickets
The performance was very interactive - fortunately we had two budding thespians in our audience who were only too willing to upstage the professional actors! There was a lot of noise and much laughter as we cheered and booed in equal measure.

The really good news is that we raised £908.


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